Wednesday, March 15, 2023

What do you know about the Exeter UFO incident?

The Exeter UFO incident occurred on September 3, 1965, in Exeter, New Hampshire, USA. Multiple witnesses reported seeing strange lights in the sky, and some reported seeing a large, silent craft that they could not identify.

One of the most notable witnesses was Norman Muscarello, a teenager who reported seeing a large, dark object with a row of red lights hovering above the tree line. Muscarello later met with two police officers, Eugene Bertrand and David Hunt, who also reported seeing strange lights in the sky.

Over the following weeks, there were additional reports of sightings in the area, and the incident received widespread media attention. The Air Force conducted an investigation and concluded that the sightings were likely caused by atmospheric conditions, such as temperature inversions, that created optical illusions.

However, many UFO enthusiasts and researchers believe that the Exeter incident was one of the most compelling UFO sightings of the 20th century, and it continues to be studied and debated to this day. Some have suggested that the sighting was evidence of extraterrestrial visitation, while others have proposed alternative explanations, such as secret military aircraft or experimental technology.

In summary, the Exeter UFO incident was a reported sighting of a strange craft or lights in the sky over Exeter, New Hampshire, in 1965. While the exact nature of the sightings remains a subject of debate, it is widely regarded as one of the most significant UFO incidents in U.S. history.

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