Tuesday, October 17, 2023

#31NightsofHorror Day 16 - "Through the Eyes of a Monster: A Creature's Take on 'I, Frankenstein"

Write a fantastic review of I, Frankenstein in the speech pattern of a disheveled Frankenstein creature.

Illustration of a classic Frankenstein monster with a twist. He's in a lavish library, surrounded by books, wearing a sharp suit. He's deeply engrossed in reading a newspaper, highlighting his sophisticated and cultured nature.

"Me... watched 'I, Frankenstein.' World of stone wings and fire creatures... fascinating! Adam, like me, seeks place in world, seeks meaning. He... strong, fights with heart! Darkness surrounds, but light... light shines in him. Gargoyles, demons, battles... much action, much drama. Me... felt connected to Adam, his pain, his journey. World on screen, different from mine, but... feelings, struggles, same. Film... good! Me... recommend to others. Watch, feel, understand... what it means to be... monster searching for soul."

Drawing set in medieval times showcasing a gargoyle in light battle attire taking on a formidable demon. The surroundings hint at an ancient fortress with torches illuminating the dramatic encounter.

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